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Disneyland Performance Reflection by Kiana

In the start of this wonderful journey our goal was to do what NPAC was known to do, perform. From when the plane wheels touch the grounds of LA a magical feeling struck our finger tips. We knew that this wasn't going to be just another ordinary performance, but just a exciting learning experience that we would never have forgotten.


Driving along the highway looking up at the billboards in awe of the "City of Angels" we had all enjoyed each others company even though bad jokes occurred, I stopped and thought about how amazing it was to have an opportunity like this sitting right in front of all of us, an experience of a lifetime.


A day after settling in all our dreams were waiting for us at the happiest place on earth. On the way to our destination we met a wonderful group of people, Disney cast member, Shelly helped us to understand that it's okay to make mistakes and not care about what other people think about you, being yourself is the greatest thing you could be for yourself.


Disney's backstage manager Sammy entertained us with his really funny bad jokes and taught us to have fun even if things get rough. The fear of this once in a lifetime opportunity had hit the pit of my stomach I could tell that I want the only one who felt this way but I knew we were going to find a way to get through it.

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